HEB ISD Education Foundation Renews Agreement with Project Partners, Marking a Decade of Work Together

HEB ISD Education Foundation board leadership has teamed with Project Partners for what will be a tenth year of work together. This partnership, which all started with a referral by our friend, Bill Lynch (now VP of Public Policy at the Arlington Chamber), and an executive director search committee willing to consider a contracted solution, (a proven model for many of our clients). It has been such a pleasure to support the incredible work of the nine boards of directors we’ve served so far and we look forward to year #10, under the leadership of Board Chair, Chris Brown. The HEB ISD Education Foundation’s mission is to raise and award private funds and community resources to support the HEB ISD’s commitment to excellence in education.

Contracted solutions are especially helpful right now, as we require no training, office space, supervision, equipment, or employee red tape. We can simply join your team and get to work!