Creating any form of partnership between two different organizations is a notable feat. It is important and deserves recognition. Yet, we don’t want to form just any partnership. We want a strong connection – a lovefest. But how is this achieved? It certainly isn’t accidental.
Good Advice Over Coffee Prize Drawing and First Topic Announcement
We announced last week that we are launching Good Advice Over Coffee (a monthly one-hour small group gathering of community cause champions) and asked you to rank your choice of discussion topics and reserve your seat. THANK YOU to all who responded! We now have a full house for our first one next Thursday, April 11th, 8AM-9AM at Common Desk in Fort Worth, but we have started a waiting list, so simply reply to this email or email Scott Smith to add your name.
Which of These Topics Interest You Most?
As part of our 25th year anniversary, we are launching Good Advice Over Coffee, an opportunity for a small group of like-minded cause champions to gather over a cup of coffee once a month to discuss topics that are key to our work together to advance community causes. We'll discuss matters that are in Project Partners' areas of expertise but we recognize that we'll learn as much from the conversation as anyone. We can't wait!
Creating a Brand That Positions Your Mission
This article was originally published by our friends at the “Fort Worth Business Press” on January 10, 2011, right after our rebranding work in late 2010 after sixteen years in business. I was reminded of it as we launched our refreshed website this week, in preparation for our 25th year in business next year. I think it’s worth repeating.
Creating Coalitions
I had the privilege to facilitate a working session last month of a group of concerned citizens, community and corporate leaders, all planning to work together to directly affect an important community issue. As we worked through 1) how this collaboration might be beneficial to them all and 2) how they could most effectively make a difference, I was reminded of a presentation on coalition-building I heard when on a United Way/Fort Worth Chamber community advocacy for education assignment, funded by the Gates Foundation.