When working to obtain foundation and corporate financial support, building a relationship with the prospective grant maker is half of the work. This is essential, especially if you are applying online, which has become standard. If you haven't created a relationship, it is likely your application won't get more than a glance during the review process, no matter how good it is.
Starting From Scratch
On occasion, passionate people who are looking to advance their cause call me for help. Most of the time, they are looking to "raise funds fast". Knowing that fundraising is a process, is based on relationships, and depends on annual giving cycles by funders, I give them this simple checklist to get them started.
Back to Basics
I regularly work with nonprofit executives and community leaders to advance important community causes. I'm hearing a universal theme--that each organization is stretched, with too much to do and not enough time to do it. From my perspective, I see a need to go "back to the basics" from an organizational standpoint.
Love Your Volunteers
Stop the Revolving Door
It's no secret that nonprofit staff turnover can be high, especially in development positions. I see this regularly when Project Partners is called upon to pick up where a former staff member left off on a critical event, fundraising campaign, or community initiative.