
DNAWORKS to Focus on Year-End Digital Campaign

We were first introduced to the good work of DNAWORKS through our client, the Tarrant County Coalition for Peace and Justice (TCCPJ).  DNAWORKS, based in Fort Worth, Texas is dedicated to dialogue and healing through the arts - focusing on identity, heritage, culture, and liberation - and creates impact across the globe.

DNAWORKS reached out to us regarding some possible long-term development consulting, but upon learning of the opportunity to focus first on a year-end digital fundraising campaign, we all agreed to start there.  The online campaign goals are to retain past donors and attract new ones, while providing recommendations on segmenting the current donor base for ongoing touchpoints during the year, as the basic principal that fundraising is relational still applies.  

What will be your year-end fundraising focus?  

Operation Progress Fort Worth to Set Strategic Direction

Operation Progress Fort Worth (OPFW) empowers underserved youth to become educated, ethical, and productive adults who reach their full potential and positively contribute to society.   Their model, replicated from Operation Progress LA, partners with the Fort Worth Police Department (FWPD) and supports their Scholars from 3rd grade to college and/or career.  

A recipient of a Funding to Advance Racial Equity (FARE) grant from the North Texas Community Foundation (NTCF), OPFW Executive Director, Dr. Myeshia Smith, and her dedicated board will build on their success to date as we help them establish their first official strategic plan, with a special emphasis on the focus area of fundraising.    

Project Partners was founded in 1995 on Project C3: Classrooms-Corporations-Community and collaborative community programs serving children, youth, and families remain among our favorite causes to advance. It’s an honor to support Operation Progress Fort Worth.

Tarrant County Coalition for Peace and Justice to Advance the Mr. Fred Rouse Memorial

Tarrant County Coalition for Peace and Justice (TCCPJ) partnered with the Rainwater Charitable Foundation to purchase the site of the racial terror lynching of Mr. Fred Rouse.  TCCPJ’s goal with the project is to reclaim this historical site of trauma and use the site as a foundation for community healing and memorialization.   During the initial planning stages of creating The Mr. Fred Rouse Memorial, members of TCCPJ reached out to Project Partners for development consulting and project management. 

Our fundraising readiness work with the board members will result in a detailed fund development plan for the capital campaign needs to include a case for support, a  constituent database, possible naming opportunities and other elements to attract and recognize funder support, identification of the campaign task force members, and the giving table.  We will coach and support the volunteers on the fundraising process of identification, qualification, cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship, and submit tailored proposals as might be feasible during this phase of the work.

TCCPJ is committed to racial healing in our community.   We know you are, too.  Please join in. 

TCHC Receives a NTCF ToolBox Grant for Board Development

After being awarded one of the North Texas Community Foundation capacity-building ToolBox grants, Tarrant County Homeless Coalition selected Project Partners as their professional consultant. Project Partners will serve as the board development consultant to conduct an assessment of the Board of Directors that examines structure, composition, performance, and culture. We will clarify roles and provide insight on how the directors can create positive change in Tarrant County related to homelessness and access to housing through work such as updated organizational charts, job descriptions, board member agreements, and program of work summaries. A plan to recruit and orient new board members will be developed - a pipeline - keeping the group active and relevant in years to come. We will conduct training on the Board’s role in fundraising and championing the mission of TCHC and deliver a final written report to the staff and Board to allow for continued work after the project’s completion.

Taking time to further equip your board members for success is always a good idea.

Maroon 9 Ensures Fundraising Readiness with Consulting from Project Partners

Maroon 9 Ensures Fundraising Readiness with Consulting from Project Partners

We first learned of Maroon 9 when we met Executive Director, ShaVonne Davis, while presenting two workshops, one on grant writing and one on relational fundraising, for North Texas Community Foundation (NTCF) FARE grantees. FARE stands for Fund to Advance Racial Equity. After receiving a 2022 NTCF Toolbox grant, she circled back to discuss how best we might partner.