
One Safe Place and Shaken Baby Alliance Collaborate for HHS Grant Submission

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One Safe Place and Shaken Baby Alliance are joining forces to apply for the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) Family Violence Prevention and Services Act grant, and Project Partners will provide expert grant writing assistance. We first teamed with One Safe Place (as the former Crime Prevention Center) twenty years ago and then again for multiple years as the former Safe City Commission, and are thrilled to be working with them again, while continuing to support the incredible leadership of Shaken Baby Alliance. World events have created many grant opportunities for nonprofits in a position to provide critical community services. Are you one of them?  We’re here to help

Project Partners to Provide Strategic Planning and Fundraising Consulting for Gill Children's Services

Gill Children’s Services - a safety net for Tarrant County children - has retained Project Partners as their strategic planning and fundraising consultant to help refresh their strategic plan, looking forward to priorities for the next three years. Facilitated by Lerii F. Smith, CFRE, the Gill staff and board members will focus on establishing the vision and core values of the organization, based on its mission - emerging with a sound fundraising plan with actionable steps, a timeline, and assignments to achieve financial stability and growth to meet ongoing and increased needs. Is it time to engage your board in review of plans for sustainability? Please reach out.

Amphibian Stage Productions Returns to Project Partners for Assistance with NEA CARES Act Application

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We’ve seen few work more collaboratively than Amphibian Stage Productions, even right now -  during some of the most challenging times in history - and it is our privilege to serve them once again.  This time, we’re assisting with the completion and submission of the NEA CARES Act application. The objective of Amphibian Stage Productions is not only to entertain, but to give audiences something to think about, to incite conversation, to bring up important issues and big ideas, and make an impact—whether it be a ripple or a wave.

2020 Fort Worth Sister Cities Mayor's International Dinner Set for November 12th

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Fort Worth Sister Cities has once again turned to Project Partners for expert event consulting and project management for the Mayor’s International Dinner and Global Awards. This year’s event is not only making the move from spring to fall but is also changing venues, taking place the evening of November 12th at River Ranch in the Stockyards. This year marks more than eleven years of work with the remarkable team at Fort Worth Sister Cities International, who focuses on making connections through education, arts, culture, economic development, and humanitarian assistance while promoting our city and uniting our world.

TCC Foundation Turns to Project Partners for Development/Operations Audit

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Tarrant County College Foundation has once again turned to Project Partners, this time to conduct a development/operations audit and deliver the resulting report. We’ve been proud to be the Foundation’s partner for good since 2007. Prior work includes the development and production of two major gifts portfolio pieces, the creation of a new matching gifts initiative, planning and facilitation for two board retreats, and logistics coordination for a major fundraising event. The mission of the TCC Foundation is to raise, manage and provide philanthropic support for the students and critical needs of Tarrant County College, as identified through the College District’s strategic planning process.